
ذات صلة


تعريف القراءة الحرفية: طريقتها والغرض منها

القراءة الحرفية: ما هي طريقتها وما الغرض منها؟ تعرف عليها في هذا المقال. خدمة مديري – البوابة الإلكترونية

اكتشف خدمة مديري عبر خدمة مديري لإدارة الموارد البشرية في وزارة الصحة السعودية. سجل دخولك الآن وتابع طلباتك ومعاملاتك بكل سهولة

طريقة سجود الشكر

تعرف على طريقة سجود الشكر والأدعية المأثورة فيه وأحكامه الشرعية وفضله العظيم ومتى يشرع للمسلم أداؤه والأسباب التي تستدعي سجود الشكر لله تعالى

كيف نعالج مشكلة السرقة عند الاطفال

تعرف على أفضل الطرق لعلاج مشكلة السرقة عند الأطفال وكيفية التعامل معها بحكمة. نقدم لك نصائح تربوية فعالة لمساعدة طفلك على تخطي هذا السلوك السلبي

تفسير حلم معاشرة الزوج لزوجته أمام الناس: رؤية ابن سيرين.

اكتشف دلالات تفسير حلم معاشرة الزوج أمام الناس في المنام وتأويلاته المختلفة عند ابن سيرين، وما يشير إليه من معانٍ ورموز في عالم الأحلام

6 نصائح للقيام بـ تحرير النسخ من أجل تقليل نسبة الاقتباس


6 Tips to Do Copy Editing to Reduce Citation

an introduction

Copy editing is a process applicable to many fields of writing in different fields of publishing, most notably the field of research publishing , and whether the text is a book, magazine, scientific article or advertisement, the writer is supposed to view it as one coherent piece.

A good writer has an expanded skill set, which includes strong attention to detail, knowledge about a variety of topics, and the ability to make edits with high efficiency that includes reduced citation.


What is copy editing?

Copy editing is the stage in which pieces copied from a source are reviewed and edited to improve readability in line with the general style of the study or book. Copy editing also helps reduce citation.

The process of editing copied text ensures that the writing style is consistent, and that the text flows naturally from one sentence to the next. It also emphasizes the spelling integrity of texts to present them in the best academic way.

Editing copies also provides an opportunity for the writer to check facts and correct other similar errors, which is necessary in order to ensure narrative quality and the correctness of the facts and information provided.


When do you need to do copy editing?

Often you need to take a tour of copy editing before the proofreading stage, and it is recommended to gradually edit from the basic levels, which include grammar and syntax, to the intensive editing processes that constitute a deeper interaction with the copied text.

Extensive copied-text edits may extend to segment reorganization, style and style modification, and paraphrasing.


How does copy editing work in order to reduce citation percentage?

Editing copied text as an editorial process involves searching for technical problems in scientific research, but it must also include working to reduce the citation rate, although this is not the idea of ​​editing the substantive copies, especially when dealing with publications other than scientific research, and one of the technical problems that are addressed by the process Edit copied text:


First, the formatting errors

The priority in editing the copied text is to highlight and correct grammatical and spelling errors, etc., and although some believe that this is the work of the proofreader, doing the spelling correction while editing the copied text is necessary because this affects the researcher’s vision and the content of the work.


Second: non-smooth sentence flow

Too many words can get stuck in the text and confuse the reader. By editing good copied text redundant sentences can be removed and wording tightened to help simplify the research narrative.


Third: Dispersed Consistency

The process of editing copied text involves a lot of accuracy and attention to detail. One of the main responsibilities of a copy editor is to ensure that the details are consistent. So, it can be said that editing tasks involve noticing and modifying details to serve scientific research.


Fourth: Unconfirmed facts

The editing process can also include research and investigation, especially when editing real-world works. If there is no specialized fact-checker working on a publication, the copy editor may need to check dates and events to keep the facts accurate.


Fifth: The high citation rate

The quotation of texts requires the researcher to document all the quotations at the end of the research, but when reaching the maximum number of quotations, the researcher must think about editing the new quotations in his own language, i.e. writing the idea of ​​the citation and not copying the quotation as it is. Attentive conscience and high research ethics.

It is worth noting that rewriting the citation is not permissible if the citation is a new statistic or theory of another researcher.


How to edit copies in order to reduce the citation percentage


First, clarify the role you must play

At first select the editing level of the copied text to be rendered. If you are just beginning your research, it is best to stick to your basic responsibilities as a researcher such as: building and coherence of sentences.

If you have some experience, you can start with the basic roles involved in editing copied text such as reducing citations.


Second, give the text a first reading

When you read copied texts for the first time, don’t think about editing, but try to understand the original author’s vision. Only in this way can you form your own opinion and start editing copies.

Reading the entire work as a whole before making your own notes will help you get to know the text and better understand the author, and this serves to reduce copying by eliminating what is unnecessary to make the conveyed idea clear.


Third: Develop a plan for the coherence of the text

After you’ve finished your initial reading of the text, go back to reading it again with a few questions in mind:

  • Does the writing correctly convey the author’s intent?
  • Do the sentences run logically in the order in which they are presented?
  • Are there sentences that can be omitted without affecting the idea?
  • Are there any factual or detailed discrepancies?
  • Do ideas flow smoothly from paragraph to paragraph?

Keep a list of notes that you plan to deal with.

Fourth: move through the text line by line

Once you’ve analyzed the writing and formulated your plan for how to adjust, start over. This time, work through any tweaks or suggestions as you see fit.


Fifth: Format the text

After making the modifications, make sure that they meet the required format standards. There may not be any formatting standards to follow, in which case it is necessary to ensure that the style of the original author is consistent.


Sixth: Do the final reading and think about the mechanism of reducing the citation rate

Make sure your own business. It is important that your editing process improves readability, not complicates it. Although there will likely be a proofreading phase, try to ensure that the text is as error-free as possible.

بعد ذلك فكر في آلية تقليل نسبة الاقتباس من دون التأثير على فكرة الاقتباس، كما أشرنا سابقاً (القيام بكتابة فكرة الاقتباس لا نسخ الاقتباس كما هو، وهذه عملية دقيقة جداً وتحتاج إلى ضمير يقظ وأخلاقيات بحثية عالية).


ما هو الفرق بين تحرير النسخ والتدقيق اللغوي؟

يتخلل عمليتي تحرير النسخ والتدقيق اللغوي العديد من المسؤوليات المتداخلة، لكن الغاية من وظائف العمليتين مختلفة:

إن تحرير النص المنسوخ تنطوي على التأكد من الحفاظ على التنظيم والتنسيق والتحقق من وضوح الكلمات ونسب الاقتباس، كما إن عملية التحرير تساهم في ضمان عدم ضياع القارئ في التفاصيل الخارجية. وقد تتضمن وظيفة تحرير النص المنسوخ أيضًا البحث عن موضوع خارجي والتدقيق في المصادر.

أما التدقيق اللغوي فينطوي على أدوار أساسية بشكل أكبر، مثل: البحث عن الأخطاء الإملائية والظواهر الجمالية. التدقيق اللغوي هو الخطوة الأخيرة في العمل مع النصوص، حيث يتم إعطاء أي صقل متبقي قبل النشر.


See also: Free Turnitin Examination for Scientific Stewardship


تقليل نسبة الاقتباستحرير النسختقليل نسبة الاقتباس

ما مدى فائدة هذا المنشور؟

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متوسط التقييم / 5. عدد مرات التصويت:

لا يوجد تصويت حتى الآن! كن أول من يقيم هذا المنشور.

محمد تيسير
كاتب شغوف بالعلم والمعرفة والبحث العلمي، أؤمن بأن العلم هو مفتاح التقدم وحل مشكلات العالم من حولنا. أسعى دائمًا لتقديم محتوى يثري العقول ويمس القلوب، وأعتقد بأن الكلمة قوة، فأستخدمها لنشر الأفكار والمفاهيم التي تلهم الآخرين وتساهم في بناء مجتمع أكثر وعيًا وتطورًا.