The Effectiveness of Disciplinary Sanctions in Evaluating Teachers’ Shortcomings in Public Education in Saudi Arabia from the Point of View of Female Directors and Educational Supervisors in Riyadh City
The research aims to identify the effectiveness of punitive sanctions in the evaluation of female teachers’ incapacity in public education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia form the point of view of educational headmasters and supervisors in Riyadh city. To achieve that, the researcher used the survey descriptive method through applying a questionnaire on a sample of (166) supervisors and (160) headmasters. The research came to the following results:
• The suggestions that increase the effectiveness of punitive sanctions educationally came in the first rank, which the general average was (4.15 of (5).
• Incapacity phases in the applied punitive sanctions on the female teachers came in the second rank, which the general average was (4.10).
• Degree of teachers’ knowledge of their rights and duties that should be complied with came in the third rank, which the general average was (3.99).
• In the fourth rank was the degree of teachers’ knowledge of types of applied punitive sanctions on them, which has the general average of (3.68).
• The educational role of the applied punitive sanctions on teachers came in the fifth rank, which the general average was (3.43).
The researcher has recommended the importance of spreading the awareness and knowledge of teacher’s rights and her duties and the importance of sanctions and supervision. The researcher also emphasizes on the importance of re-examination of unclear punitive sanctions on teachers and adding another educational sanctions that fit the reality of teacher and help her evaluating her incapacity more than punish her.
Keyword: Effectiveness – punitive sanctions – incapacity
الكلمات المفتاحية: فاعلية-جزاءات تأديبية-قصور
الباحثة /
موضي علي الجنوبي
كلية التربية || جامعة الملك سعود || المملكة العربية السعودية
DOI: 10.26389/AJSRP.M181017 عرض البحث كامل عرض العدد كامل