The Impact of a Proposed Program on Blended Learning Environment Electronic in the Development of Habits of Mind for a Kindergarten Child
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of a proposed program for an electronic blended learning environment on developing habits of mind for kindergarten children. The sample of the study consisted of (38) children distributed to an experimental and control group with (19) children in each one. The study depended on the quasi experimental approach using (Goodenough–Harris Draw-a-Person test) scale for drawing to measure intelligence among children, an observation card for habits of mind among kindergarten children and a program for developing habits of mind among kindergarten children. Results of the study revealed that: Existence of statistically significant differences between the experimental and the control group in the post measure in the habits of (Listening with understanding and empathy, questioning, posing problems, persistence, flexible thinking, creativity, imagination and innovation) for the experimental group. However, for the post and follow-up tests of the experimental group regarding the habit of (Creativity, visualization, innovation, flexible thinking, questioning, posing problems, listening with understanding and empathy) there weren’t statistically significant differences. Moreover, There were statistically significant differences in the means of experimental group degrees of the post measure regarding the habits of (visualization, innovation and flexible thinking) attributed to gender variable. The study recommended the necessity of providing a school environment that appreciates habits of mind, preparing training programs for teachers and supervisors to make full use of habits of mind in teaching and learning, paying the attention of those who are interested in aspects of child development in preschool stage to benefit from the proposed program of the study.
Keywords:Blended Learning Environment- Habits of Mind- Kindergarten.
الكلمات المفتاحية: بيئة التعلُّم الإلكترونية المدمجة – عادات العقل-رياض الأطفال
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