"مُدَوِّن حُرّ، كاتب مهتم بتحسين وتوسيع محتوى الكتابة. أسعى لدمج الابتكار مع الإبداع لإنتاج مقالات غنية وشاملة في مختلف المجالات، مقدماً للقارئ العربي تجربة مميزة تجمع بين الخبرة البشرية واستخدام الوسائل التقنية الحديثة."
Representations of the Arab Spring in Contemporary Arabic Novels
Literature emanates from reality in all different political and social dimensions and the...
The Effectiveness of Counselling Preventive Program for Adequate Knowledge of Disability to prevent it by the Palestinian Women
The study aimed to investigate...
Standardize the Symptom Checklist 90-Reviesd on a sample of Taibah University Students
Abstract The aim of this study was to standardize the Symptom Checklist...
The Level Satisfaction with Family Life and Self-Satisfaction Among a Sample of Syrian Refugees in Jordan
This study aimed to identify the level...
The Effect of Improvement of Personal learning environment system and its impact on sustaining web 2.0 implementation skills in teaching for computer...