التصاحب اللفظي
Corpus Linguistics: Definition and areas of use
Ali Gharamah Alshehri
Almahad Alalmi Almajareda || Ministry of Education || KSA
التصور العلمي
The structure of the scientific perception of the world, sanctification
for knowledge or secularization of it?
Sabah Kara
Faculty of Literature & Languages...
فاعلية برنامج إرشاد
The Effectiveness of a Group Counseling Program Based on the Elective Theory in Reducing Emotional Regulation Problems and Among Mothers...
دراسة حول أحد التمثيلات
A Study about One Representation of the Hamiltonian Complex finite dimensional Lie Algebra
Nader M.Taffach
Faculty of Science || Idlib University...