دوال صف ليبشتز بوزن ماكنهوبت
Approximation of functions in Lipschitz class with
Muckenhoupt Weights Using Matrix Operator
Omar Mahmoud Nattouf
Mohammad Mahmoud Amer
Faculty of Science ||...
نموذج ريجلوث التوسعي
The Impact of Teaching Reading Texts Using Reigiluth Elaboration Model
in Linguistic Patterns Acquisition and Learning Retention among Third Basic...
القرآن الكريم
Hope in The Holy Quran: exegetical study
Mousa Mahmoud Moutan
Palestine Technical University || Khadoorie || Palestine
Abstract: This research...
حوض وادي نعمان
Integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) for Dams site selection in Wadi Numan watershed in...