The Degree of teachers commitment to the Code of Ethics conduct From the point of view School principals in Aqaba Governorate
The study aimed to determine the degree of teachers commitment to the Code of Ethics conduct From the point of view school principals in Aqaba Governorate. The Researcher used the descriptive method survey due to its appropriateness to the purposes of the study. The population consisted (56) all principals of public schools in the in Aqaba Governorate.. To obtain data the study instruments was built, which included five areas, to reveal the degree of teachers commitment to the the Code of Ethics conduct From the point of view School principals in Aqaba Governorate ,, The study results indicated that: overall average of the degree of teachers commitment of the the Code of Ethics conduct from the point of view of school principals in Aqaba Governorate was high. At the sub-level, the field of dealing with colleagues ranked first arithmetic mean (4.27) was very high, ,the second ranked is the field of dealing with princapls arithmetic mean (4.17), the third ranked is the field of dealing with the student(4.15).the fourth ranked is the field of teacher duties(4.15), in the last field was maintaining public money and the interests of the school and its due to property. The results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (α = 0.05) of the degree of commitment of teachers to the Code of Ethics conduct variables: gender, and there are no statistically significant differences at the level of (α = 0.05) of the degree of commitment of teachers variables:, qualification, experience. In the light of the results of the study,a noumber of recommendations and proposals were presented to improve the level of theachers commitment to ethics of the Code of Condut in the schools of Aqaba Governorate and at the level of the Hashenite Kingdom of Jordan.
Keywords:teachers, ethics, code of Ethics, Aqaba, School principals, Teachers.
الكلمات المفتاحية: المعلمين، أخلاق، مدونة السلوك الوظيفي، العقبة، مديري المدارس، المعلمين.
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إلهام نايف أبو حمدي
وزارة التربية والتعليم || المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية