Reasons of The Three Basic Stages Weakness in reading and Writing and Suggestions to Overcome Them from The Point of View of the Teachers
This study aimed to reveal Reasons of the first three grade students weakness in reading and writing from teachers’ point of view. To achieve goals of this study, a survey was conducted for(25) male and female teachers who teach first three grade students from Deir Alla Directorate. After that(35) schools were chosen randomly from(51)ones. Also(100) male and female teachers were chosen from(300).
The researcher used survey methodology ,it consisted of(31) items divided into two categories ; reading category(14) items and writing category(17) items.
The results of the study revealed that reasons of weakness were in high level ,based on Likert scale. the statistical results of the first question ” what are the reasons of the first three grade students weakness in reading and writing from teachers’ point of view ” showed that weakness in writing ranked first , with arithmetic mean(3.95) and standard deviation
(.51) , meanwhile reading field ranked first with arithmetic mean(3.86) and standard deviation(.53).
Ways to overcome weakness in writing which ranked first included Continuous follow-up for the way students write letters and ways to overcome weakness in reading which ranked first included taking into account students’ tendencies and desires when designing curriculum.
In the light of results, the researcher suggested some recommendations which are: reduction of absence of students , mutual communication between school and home , training teachers of the first three grades on foundations of teaching reading and writing , focusing on training teachers in service, taking into consideration diagnostic assessment at the beginning of the school year and raising teachers’ awareness about it and supervisors periodical follow-up for teachers throughout the school year to determine strength and weakness points for every student
Keywords:Reasons – weakness in reading and writing – the first three grade students.
وقد أظهرت نتائج الاستبانة الإحصائية على مستوى السؤال الأول والثاني إلى أن أسباب ضعف التحصيل في الكتابة قد جاءت بالمرتبة الأولى، بمتوسط حسابي(3.95) في حين احتل مجال القراءة، المرتبة الثانية بمتوسط حسابي(3.86) وفي ضوء النتائج أوصت الباحثة باعتماد مقترحات المعلمين لمعالجتها ومنها، المتابعة المستمرة لطريقة رسم الحرف، ومراعاة ميول ورغبات الطلبة أثناء تأليف الكتب المدرسية
الكلمات المفتاحية: أسباب- ضعف التحصيل- الصفوف – الأساسية – القراءة والكتابة- سبل معالجتها
الباحثون /
إيمان أحمد ماضي1
عودة عبد الجواد أبو سنينة2
1 مديرية لواء ديرعلا || وزارة التربية والتعليم || الأردن
2 جامعة عمان العربية || الأردن