Psychological diagnosis of terrorist thought among young people
Arab and non-Arab communities worldwide have suffered the devastating impact of terrorism on almost all aspects of life. At such, human and financial resources have been recruited to fight against it. To help support the efforts of fighting terrorism on scientific and religious levels, the researchers have contributed in finding the psychological model of terrorist making as well as the behavioural checklist that reflect the psychological transformation of terrorist on various stages of the model creation through employing qualitative research to analyse the conventional, theoretical and psychological frame of violence in general and terrorism in particular. The research has reached the conclusion that terrorist making starts at the point where the intellectual conflict, which is geographically and culturally related to the youth, is fed leading to youth animosity towards their local community or the community that is directly connected, as a matter of cause, to the intellectual conflict through exaggeration which consequently results in turning the youth into people psychologically willing to execute terrorist acts. The research employed this psychological model in designing a behavioural checklist that in all (or most of its items) reflects the psychological status of the person who suffers from character disorders at each point of the process of terrorist making. Although this research is a continuation of the previous scientific efforts in the field of terrorism fighting, it is distinguished by its focus on diagnosing the make-up and interpretation of the psychological angle. The research concludes with a recommendation of the necessity of noting the behavioural transformations of the youth (with all their intellectual tendencies, level of religious commitment as well as abiding by the values and regulations of their community) which lead to disharmony with their families, conflict with authorities, social boldness or stiffness, social isolation, or self-isolation.
Keywords: psychological diagnosis, youth, terrorism, social hostility, personality disorder.
الكلمات المفتاحية: التشخيص النفسي، الشباب، الإرهاب، العداء المجتمعي، اضطراب الشخصية
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هيفاء تيسير البقاعي
كلية التربية || جامعة طيبة || الممكلة العربية السعودية
DOI: 10.26389/AJSRP.H051217 عرض البحث كامل عرض العدد كامل
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