The study aimed to determine the proportion and feature of obesity in Al-Diriyah girl’s schools in Saudi Arabia and factors related to it. An observational descriptive cross-sectional school based study. In AL- Diriyah over a one-year period (2016-2017), data will be collected from 275 schoolgirl students and it was selected by convenience technique. The results revealed that there was significant statistical finding about the association between the eating habit, sleep time and the body weight categories. Also, it shows there was P=0.0104 for family history of obesity and P=0.04 for number of the snacks per day. Moreover, there was a strong association between family history and obese girls, so obesity has a genetic effect, but the unhealthy lifestyle plays a major role, to control obesity lifestyle choices must be improved.
Keywords: Obesity, students, school
العوامل التي تؤثر على البدانة لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة والثانوية في المدراس السعودية دراسة حالة مدارس منطقة الدرعية2016-2017
الكلمات المفتاحية: البدانة، الطالبات، المدرسة
Author /
Maha Matouq Shalabi
King Abdalaziz Medical City || National Guard || Riyadh || Saudi Arabia
Rawaa Ismael Mohamad Ismael
Leena mohammed al-mutairi
Hessa Abdulkareem abahussain
Sarah ahmad al saleem
Hanan zia allah farouqi
Sarah Abdullah al qahtani
Norah saad al nowibt
Ayat Abdullah alsalman
Asmaa abdulaziz al suheel
Sarah al harbi
Sarah Jameel Nasser
Mohammad b allah alnoor
Surgery and Medicine || Al maarefa College || Riyadh || Saudi Arabia