The effectiveness of a collective guidance program using the time management and self-efficacy skills of students of the Faculty of Applied Sciences (Abri) in the Sultanate of Oman
This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of collective guidance program using time management and perceived self-efficacy skills of the students of the College of Applied Sciences- Ibri. The study also aimed to identify the statistically significant differences among the sample for the time management measure and perceived self-efficacy measure due to the collective guidance program. There were statistically significant differences in the scores of the sample for time management and self-efficacy in the pre-test/post-test based on both gender and academic year variables. Eleven students participated in the study. The semi-experimental approach was used to design a single group for an instructional program prepared by the researcher. Both time management measure and self-perceived efficiency measure were used. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the average scores of the sample before and after the implementation of the program in the time management measure, post-test bias. The study also showed that there were statistically significant differences in the average scores of the sample before and after the implementation of perceived self-efficacy, post-test bias. The study showed no statistically significant differences in the time management measure in the pre-test/post-test based on gender variable while there were statistically significant differences in self-efficacy measure in the post-test due to gender variable. There were also statistically significant differences in both time management and self-efficacy measures in the pre-test based on academic year variable. There were also statistically significant differences in both measures in the post-test based on academic year variable. Therefore, in light of the results of the study, the following procedures were recommended to activate both time management skills and the self-efficacy of the students;
– Opening psychology counselling centres to carry out counselling programs at the Colleges of Applied Sciences in the Sultanate.
– Conducting intensive programs for specialists to raise time management and self-efficacy awareness level.
– Applying similar programs for students to improve their academic level and train them on skills such as self-confidence skills, self-assertion skills and other skills that contribute to the construction of well-being.
– Adding curricula that touch students’ social and academic demands.
– Allocating some student activities that are compatible with undergraduate studies and contributing to the construction of student personality.
– Conducting special seminars for academics to train them and encourage them to raise awareness among students.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Collective Guidance Program, Time Management, Perceived Self-Efficacy, Students, Applied Sciences.
الكلمات المفتاحية: برنامج إرشاد جمعي، إدارة الوقت، الكفاءة الذاتية المدركة، الطلبة،كلية العلوم التطبيقية بعبري.
الباحثة /
نصراء مسلم حمد الغافري
كلية العلوم التطبيقية || عبري || محافظة الظاهرة || سلطنة عمان
DOI: 10.26389/AJSRP.N081217 عرض البحث كامل عرض العدد كامل