الرئيسية بلوق الصفحة 4105

Target Detection Using Matched Filtering Analysis of the ASTER Data for Exploration of Uranium Mineralization in the Northern Part of El-Erediya Pluton, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt


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The younger granite of El-Erediya pluton represents one of the most important prospect areas in the Egyptian Central Eastern Desert which comprise surface and subsurface U-mineralization confined to the southern part of the pluton. Due to the high uranium airborne anomaly of the northern part than the southern part of the pluton, the granite of northern part need to reevaluate its U-potentiality according to the modern techniques that were developed in the last decade. The main goal of this paper is to examine the efficiency of the Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer (ASTER) data in mapping the alteration zones that could be host uranium mineralization within the younger granite of El-Erediya pluton using spectral analysis techniques. ASTER data are especially attractive to many geological researchers in Africa, due to their open availability and associated minimal costs for academic use. The three visible and six near-infrared bands, which have 15-m and 30-m resolution, respectively, were calibrated by using atmospheric correction. Target detection using spectral-matching algorithm was applied to recognize the most predominant alteration components such as hematite, kaolinte, illite and alunite as more or less considered as path finder of uranium mineralization to trace the most promising zones affected by these alteration within the granite of El Erediya pluton. Three ASTER-derived promising areas have been detected, including the prospect area, using the matched filtering methods with a confidence ranging from 68 to 95%. All of these zones that delineated by target detection technique show good correlation with those on field and on the reference geologic map. Two of these target zones are proved in the field and founded along the structural features cutting the northern parts of El Erediya pluton that have not been identified before. Mineralogical studies were carried out, using ore and scanning microscope and XRD, for some selective mineralized samples collected form one of these tow target zones. These investigations confirm the presence of uranophane mineral as uranyl silicates in addition to zircon and fluorite. These minerals are found in close association with hematitization, kaolinitization, and illitization alteration.
Keywords: Remote sensing, target detection, uranium, granite.


El Zalaky and Abdelmonsif
“Nuclear Materials Authority (NMA), P.O. Box 530 Maadi, Cairo, Egypt”

Efficient E-Government Services, Constraints and Problems of Technical Applications and Software and the Transition to Smart Government


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The e-governance is the concept and structure of the system and the functions and activities of all activities and processes in e-business on the one hand the level of e-government and business on the other. Because the government sector as a significant proportion of the total economic sectors in most countries of the world, and the fact that dealing with the public sector is not limited to the class and not others, but prevail all citizens and residents, institutions and others, and the fact that this multi-dealing in quality, methods and how it is done and models for different procedures and steps implemented and locations between the corridors of government departments, the concept of e-government came as an ideal way for the government to enable them to take care of the interests of the public from individuals and institutions electronically using cutting-edge technology without the need for the applicant to move between government departments. Keywords: E-government: is a modern introduction of the government of using the World Wide Web and the Internet system in linking institutions to each other, and linking the various services private institutions and the general public, and the development of the information available to individuals in order to create a relationship specifications speed and accuracy designed to improve the quality of performance


Dr.Yasser A. Seleman

PhD in Computer Science, Omdurman Islamic University
M.sc in Information Technology, Newcastle (USA).
M.sc in Information Technology, the National Ribat University.

Modifying Tiny Service Discovery Protocol (MTinySDP) to overcome mobility issues


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Emerging wireless communication standards and more capable sensors and actuators are pushing the development towards wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Deploying a large number of sensor nodes requires a high level framework enabling the devices to present themselves and the resources they hold. The device and the resources can be described as services. With a service discovery protocol, resources, e.g. samples of data produced by the sensor, could be provided to the application developers through high level interfaces. Service discovery protocols enable software, i.e. services and service users, to dynamically advertise and find available services on the network. The Tiny Service Discovery Protocol (TinySDP), as its name suggests, is a lightweight protocol that allows discovery and selection of services in WSN. Here, we have analyzed the TinySDP protocol with mobile WSN since adding mobility to sensor networks can significantly increase the capability of the sensor network by making it resilient to failures, reactive to events, and able to support disparate missions with a common set of sensors. In this paper, we perform analytical simulations in terms of Success ratio, number of transmitting messages and average waiting time. Simulation results show that the performance of TinySDP in mobile WSNs (MWSNs) has been decreased. As a result, we present Modified TinySDP (MTinySDP) for MWSNs. The simulation results show that MTinySDP outperforms TinySDP in terms of Success ratio, number of transmitting messages and Average waiting time for mobile and static WSN.
Indexing terms/Keywords : Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Service Discovery Protocol (SDP), Mobility, TinySDP, TOSSIM, TinyViz
Academic Discipline And Sub-Disciplines : Information Technology, Networking, Protocols
SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION : Wireless Sensor Network


Khalid M. Kahloot1.  Akram A. ElKhatib2.    Ahmed A. Salim3.
1 Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine.
2 Suez Canal University,Egypt. Gaza Strip, Palestine.
3 Suez Canal University,Egypt Ismailia, Egypt


Security Threats to Wireless Networks and Modern Methods of Information Security


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Network is a technology used to connect computers and devices together. They allow people the ability to move easily and stay in touch while roaming the Internet in the coverage area. This increases efficiency by allowing data entry and access to the site. Comparing wireless networks wired networks in terms of cost, we find that wired networks are more expensive due to the cost of the network connections of electricity and running and add computers and change their positions to suit the network supply. As a result, the use of widespread wireless networks. But there are security gaps in these networks may cause problems for users Security holes intended problem or weakness in the wireless network system may make it easier for hackers to penetrate and steal sensitive data and causing material losses to individuals and companies. Knowing security holes and contributes significantly to the wireless network is immune from attempts to infiltrate and penetration design.
Keywords /Protocol: Language is between computers connected via the network, in order to exchange information. If we define the language of the Protocol technology, we say that a formal description of the bodies messages and rules that must be followed on two computers to exchange those messages.


Dr.Yasser A. Seleman
PhD in Computer Science, Omdurman Islamic University
M.sc in Information Technology, Newcastle (USA).
M.sc in Information Technology, the National Ribat University

Estimating of Sediment Transport Rates for Euphrates River in Al- Hindiya City Using HEC-RAS Model


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A Hydraulic analysis was performed to estimate sediment transport rates for the Euphrates River at a specified reach in (Al- Hindiya city). Information presented in this study includes surveyed channel cross sections, discharge, stages, and measurements of bed material characteristics. The study reach was between station (Km 625+200) upstream and station (Km 639+200) downstream with a length of (14) km. This reach includes (20) cross sections. HEC-RAS (4.1) package was used and applied for modeling and calculating the sediment transport by (Ackers-white, Engelund-Hansen, Laursen, Toffaleti, and Yang) formulas. Hydraulic computations existing in HEC-RAS4 were used to compute a series of steady flow profiles (13 profiles).These profiles used to develop hydro-dynamic parameters for sediment transport and calibrated to the hydraulic conditions of the reach. A stable solution for sediment transport rates was obtained under specified conditions. The modeling formulas were compared with the field results and the closest formula to the field results was (Laursen), while (Ackers-White) formula was the poor one while the other samples give lower results than the field values with a bit of convergence in some of these results which had been obtained through statistical method. The average annual sediment transport has been predicted by (Laursen) formula using HEC-RAS (4.1) model to be (3376) tons.
Keywords: Sediment, transport, One-dimensional model, HEC-RAS, River


Luay Kadhim Hameed
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kufa,
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