
ذات صلة


الملك الحسن الثاني بن محمد (أحد ملوك المغرب)

الملك الحسن الثاني حكم المغرب لمدة 38 عاماً، عرف بسياسته الحكيمة وإنجازاته في التنمية والتحديث، وترك بصمة واضحة في تاريخ المغرب الحديث

كيف يمكنني التأكد من موثوقية المؤتمر العلمي؟

تعرف على كيفية تقييم موثوقية مؤتمر علمي من خلال فحص سمعة المنظمين والمتحدثين، ومعايير اختيار المشاركين، وضمان الجودة والشفافية في التنظيم

أكل لحم الإبل في المنام: تفسير ابن سيرين.

تفسير حلم اكل لحم الابل له دلالات مختلفة في المنام، منها تحسن الأحوال المعيشية والصحة والرزق. اكتشف التفسيرات المختلفة عند ابن سيرين وكبار المفسرين

قصة نجاح شركة فالكم للخدمات المالية

اكتشف قصة نجاح شركة فالكم للخدمات المالية وكيف أصبحت رائدة في مجال الاستثمار والخدمات المالية في المملكة العربية السعودية. تعرف على إنجازاتها وخدماتها المتميزة.

الأسهم: مفهومها، وأنواعها، وأهميتها

تعرف على الأسهم وأنواعها وأهميتها في الاستثمار. اكتشف مزايا وعيوب التداول في الأسهم وكيفية اختيار الأسهم المناسبة لمحفظتك الاستثمارية

risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners’ perspectives


risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners’ perspectives


risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners' perspectives
risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners’ perspectives


تأليف: adnan enshassi(مشرف):: jaser hmaid abo mousa(اعداد)
اللغة: إنجليزي
النشر: gaza:author 2005
النوع: رسائل جامعية
عدد الصفحات: 125
المواضيع: engineering economy:: management of income and expense – finanical management:: risk management – financial management:: ادارة التكاليف:: ادارة الدخل و الانفاق
رقم التصنيف: 658.155
الرقم العام:

العنوان : risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners’ perspectives


risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners' perspectives
risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners’ perspectives

  • Abstract


Construction is a risky industry and there is no other industry that requires proper application of business practices much as construction industry.

The main objective of this research is to gain understanding of 44 risk factors that could be in front of building projects in Gaza Strip. The study aims also to investigate the effectiveness of risk preventive and mitigative methods.

Moreover, the usage of risk analysis techniques is addressed.
The objectives of this research have been achieved through a comparative study of closed-ended questionnaires with interviews and a case study in Gaza Strip.

The results of analyzing the 40 questionnaires that were directed to contractor respondents concluded that the most important risk factors are: financial failure of the contractor, working at hot (dangerous) areas, closure, defective design and delayed payments on contract.

On the other hand, owner respondents concluded that the most important risk factors are: awarding the design to unqualified designer, defective design, occurrence of accidents, difficulty to access the site, and inaccurate quantities.

The results show that there are many risk factors contractors and owners could not allocate them on the party that should bear these factors’ consequences.
The study findings show that the contractors and the owners suffer from lack of innovative methods to prevent or mitigate risks.

Contractors and owners – according to results – do not utilize risk analysis techniques but depend widely on direct judgment in estimating time and cost.

The results of this study recommended that there is an essential need for more standardization and effective forms of contract, which address issues of clarity, fairness, roles and responsibilities, allocation of risks, dispute resolution and payment. Both owners and contractors are called for identification of possible risk factors that could be faced and to allocate them contractually.

There is a need to keep a computerized historical data of finished projects to help in rights reservation and to be an information source for future comparison.

A standard form of contracts which address issues of clarity, fairness, roles and responsibilities, allocation of risks, dispute resolution and payment should be adopted for all the projects in Gaza Strip instead of the consequential disorder that was a result of applying different types of contracts. More effort should be made to properly apply risk management in the construction industry.

  • المخلص 

[embeddoc url=”ملخص-risk-management-in-construction-projects-from-contractors-and-owners-perspectives.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]


risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners' perspectives
risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners’ perspectives


  • الرسالة كاملة 


[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]


risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners' perspectives
risk management in construction projects from contractors and owners’ perspectives


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