Conditions for publishing research in scientific journals

Conditions for publishing research in scientific journals

Here we present to you the most important conditions and procedures for scientific publication that must be adhered to as a prerequisite for acceptance of research for publication in the Arab Journal of Science and Research Publishing:

Procedures and conditions for submitting the research and its specifications:

  •  The research text formatting must be according to the terms of the journal mentioned below or according to the journal template (Article / Research Template)
  • The researcher sends the research in the form of a Microsoft Word file, to the email:
  • The research must be written  proper language, taking care of the drawing and shapes attached to it.
  • The research should not have been previously published.
  • The research arbitration shall be conducted by two or three arbitrators.
  • The researcher shall be informed of the initial acceptance or rejection of the study.
  • The arbitration notes shall be sent to the researcher.
  • The researcher makes the required amendments and sends the modified research to the same email mentioned above.

How to prepare the research for publication according to the conditions of the Arab Journal of Science and Research Publishing:

The researcher follows the following steps in preparing his research:

  1. 1. the Research:

On the first page the researcher writes the following:

  • Research title
  • Name of the researcher (researchers)
  • The address of the researcher’s body (example: King Abdulaziz University | Jeddah | Saudi Arabia)

On the second page the researcher writes the following:

Abstract in Arabic, followed by keywords

  • Summary in English, followed by key words
  1.  Content arrangement:

The researcher is required to adhere to the following order in writing his research:

Research content according to the terms of the Arab Journal of Science and Research Publishing:

Research summary
Research problem
Research materials and methods
Thanks and appreciation (if any)
Sources and references
Appendices (if any)

The paper shall be formatted on (A4 size), so that the type and size of the font shall be according to specific conditions, namely:

  • The font type in Arabic research papers is Simplified Arabic, the font size is 16 bold for the main title, 14 bold for the subheadings, 14 normal for the rest of the texts and page numbering and the space between lines should not be less than 1.15, and the font size is 12 normal for tables and figures and size 10 Normal for summary and margins.
  • The font type in English research papers is Times New Roman, the font size is 14 bold for the main title, 13 bold for the subheadings, 13 normal for the rest of the texts and page numbering, and the line spacing should not be less than 1.15, and the font size is 11 normal for tables and illustrations and Volume 9 is normal for summary and margins.
  • When submitting the manuscript, single spacing is taken into account while leaving appropriate margins (2.5 cm) on all sides (top – bottom – right – left).
  1.  Search title on the first page:
  • Size 23, and the title must be accurate and expressive of the research content
  1.  Search volume:
  • The number of search pages should not exceed (20) pages or (6000) words in order not to increase the arbitration fees.
  1. The researcher and his address:
  •  The researcher’s name and address are clearly mentioned, and the address states “…… ..”.
  1. Summary:
  • Volume 10 and attached to the search an abstract containing (150-200) words in the language in which it was written, and another in the second language (Arabic or English) that concerns the journal.
  1.  Keywords:
  •  Volume 10 attached to the search no more than (6) key words (related) of its own, and they are in both Arabic and English.
  1. Figures and Tables:
  •  Each of the figures and tables are numbered consecutively as they appear in the search, in size 8, and they are provided with titles of size 9, and each of them is indicated in the body of the search by its numbers.
  1.  Margins:
  • Size 9  for the margins of the bottom pages are used to mention any note, or to clarify any information contained in the body of the search, and for this a distinctive sign is used higher than the text such as (*).
  1.  References:
  • Numbers above the text are used for documentation in the body of the research. The number and the related reference are mentioned in the reference list.
  • The reference numbers are arranged in the reference list in sequence, after taking into account the alphabetical order of the references in the list according to the author’s name according to the following:
  1. If the reference is a journal search:

The name of the researcher (researchers) starting with the family name. “Research title,” journal name (in italics), volume number, issue number, page numbers, year of publication.

 If the reference is a book:

  • The name of the author (s) starting with the last name, the title of the book (in italics), the name of the publisher, the year of publication.

If the reference is a Master or PhD thesis:

  • Writes the name of the author, starting with the last name, “Study Title,” mentioning the Master or PhD thesis in italics, the name of the university, the year.

If the reference is a publication or statistic issued by an official authority:

Writes the name of the agency, the title of the report (in italics), the city, the page numbers, and the year of publication.

If the reference is a website:

Writes the name of the author, the title of the topic (in italics), the year of publication, the electronic link and the date of the last visit to the link.

Article reprint :

  • The name of the researcher (researchers) starting with the family name. “Study title,” journal name (in italics), volume number, issue number, page numbers, year of publication.

Conference proceedings:

  •  Name of the researcher (researchers) starting with the last name, title of the study (in italics), conference name, volume number, page numbers, year of publication.


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