The problem of throwing books after the end of the school year
The book is a tool of culture and writers since the beginning of creation has a role in guidance, and that the book records knowledge and dissemination of knowledge, we must maintain textbooks that help us instill good principles and qualities that are compatible with the Islamic religion must be the ideal science student to maintain the study objective to know Whether the book is a burden on the student and also to find out at what stage students began to throw books as well as to know the type of books that students want to get rid of and learn the opinion of students in replacing books with modern techniques This study follows the analytical descriptive method, describing the variables related to the study, as well as the description of the study sample, its analysis, and the tests of the hypotheses and their impact. Two types of questionnaire were based on a questionnaire on the Internet. The number of participants reached (190) participants and a paper questionnaire in Taif governorate, in which the number of samples examined reached (250) The results of the study that the phenomenon of throwing books after completion is not widespread among all students and this is a positive point. As well as the presence of a large percentage does not see this phenomenon cultural landscape and this helps us to avoid this phenomenon and the nature of most families keen to maintain the books and show us in the questionnaire in advance and the existence of positive samples of teachers who raise awareness of students to maintain the books and there are few ratios believe that A civilized landscape and indifferent to what they do. Based on the statistics in the questionnaire, we mention the administration of schools by activating the system of the Ministry of Education, which provides for the return of books through the statistics in the questionnaire shows that there is a convergence of ratios between students who throw books and those who do not throw books so we recommend activating the role of the school from the administration and teacher and society, In educating students. We recommend that the books contain two semesters through the statistics. We find that there are students who support this proposal. Therefore, we hope that the Ministry of Education will consider the student’s inclination toward this proposal. We also recommend replacing books with modern technology. Special safes for all students to put books in, to ease the pregnancy.
Keywords: Book Throwing, School, Students, Taif Governorate.
الكلمات المفتاحية: رمي الكتب , مدرسة، طلبة، محافظة الطائف.
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علي حسن الزهراني
وائل محمد المالكي
خالد جابر الشهري
عبدالعزيز ساعد الحارثي
وليد مصلح المالكي
ثايب حمد النفيعي
كلية التربية || جامعة الطائف || المملكة العربية السعودية
DOI: 10.26389/AJSRP.W261217 عرض البحث كامل عرض العدد كامل