The Effectiveness of K.W.L.H Strategy on developing metacognition and academic achievement skills in Islamic Culture course of the students in College of Education in Muzahimyah, Shaqra University.
This study aimed at building a program based on K.W.L.H Strategy on developing metacognition and academic achievement skills in Islamic Culture course of the students in College of Education in Muzahimyah, Shaqra University. To achieve the study objectives, of The study used the semi-experimental approach, where , the researcher translated and standardized the measure of knowledge beyond, and an achievement test was constructed to measure the impact of the strategy of K.W.L.H. Tools for data collection were a test designed to assess metacognition and academic achievement skills in Islamic Culture, the sample subjects were (23) students divided into two groups: a controlled one included (11) students who were instructed by traditional methods while the experimental group (12) was taught by using K.W.L.H Strategy. Then pre/post tests were conducted to all the sample subjects metacognition skills , The results of the study revealed that there was a statistically significant difference at (050) between the average of the experimental and modern groups on average (16.04). The control obtained an average of (7.59) in the post-test application for the experimental group. The level of (05.) between the intermediate scores of the experimental groups and the officers in the post-application of the post-test scale was obtained on average (17.50), while the control obtained an average (6.00) for the experimental group. In the light of these findings, , the study suggests many recommendations.
Keywords:K.W.L.H Strategy, metacognition, academic achievement skills, Islamic Culture course
الكلمات المفتاحية: استراتيجية K.W.L.H))، مهارات الوعي، ما وراء المعرفة، مقرر الثقافة الإسلامية.
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