"مُدَوِّن حُرّ، كاتب مهتم بتحسين وتوسيع محتوى الكتابة. أسعى لدمج الابتكار مع الإبداع لإنتاج مقالات غنية وشاملة في مختلف المجالات، مقدماً للقارئ العربي تجربة مميزة تجمع بين الخبرة البشرية واستخدام الوسائل التقنية الحديثة."
Transformations in the Feminine Mind in Saudi Arabia Case Study of Intentional Sample of Students of King Saud University
The study aims to...
Propose an educational program using small games to improve some cognitive cognitive abilities during the physical education and sports lesson for students...
Psychological diagnosis of terrorist thought among young people
Arab and non-Arab communities worldwide have suffered the devastating impact of terrorism on almost all...
Effect of iodine deficiency on mental and cognitive development and achievement of secondary school students in Nyala
This research tackied the effect of...