اكتشف مجموعة متنوعة من رسومات تلوين انمي للطباعة لأطفالك. صور مميزة من شخصيات الأنمي المحببة جاهزة للتحميل والطباعة مجاناً لتنمية مهارات طفلك الإبداعية
Generalization of the Fibonacci sequence, Pascal's triangle, and the binomial theorem
Mohammed Elsmani Abdelrahman
Faculty of Engineering | Department of Mechanics | University of...
The quantitative assessment of water erosion in the southeast of Central Rif – Morocco
Mohamed Senhaji *1, Mohamed Abahrour1, Mostafa Hmamouchi1, Youness Abahrour1
The role of the ruling elites in exacerbating ethnic, denominational discrimination and its Impact on the emergence of social movement in the...
Suicide causes, motives, methods of prevention and treatment
Inaam Eid Mohammad Zaatrh “ Abu Zuiater” *1, Iyad Selim Abdul razzaq Alhallaq1
1Faculty of Educational...