The purpose of this quasi-experimental research study is to determine the effects of a software program, specifically “Fractions v2.0”, when it is used as a supplemental tool to traditional math instruction as compared to using only traditional math instruction in fourth grade classrooms in order to enhance the understanding of fractions deeply and effectively. A total of 115 of fourth grade students participated in the project. The study occurred during a four-week time frame in eight public elementary schools in Abha, Saudi Arabia.
Pre-and post-tests were used for data collection. Findings revealed that use of Fractions v2.0 as a supplement to traditional math instruction would lead to an improvement in Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analyzing, Creating, and Evaluating scores. Also, findings revealed that improvement in lower-order thinking scores did not differ significantly across conditions, F(1, 113) = .00, p = .988, while they improved across time F(1, 113) = 4044.61, p < .001. In addition, findings revealed that improvement in higher-order thinking scores did not differ significantly across conditions, F(1, 113) = .05, p = .828, while they improved across time, regardless of condition, F(1, 113) = 2831.83, p < .001.
Keywords:Fractions v2.0, Understanding of Fractions, Lower-Order Thinking, Higher-Order Thinking
فعالية برنامج (Fractions v2.0) في تعزيز فهم الكسور
استخدمت الدراسة الاختبارات القبلية والبعدية في جمع البيانات. وقد أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن استخدام برنامج (الكسور v2.0) كمكمل للتعليم التقليدي للرياضيات يؤدي إلى تحسن النتائج في جميع مستويات المعرفة: التذكر والفهم والتطبيق والتحليل والتركيب والتقويم. كما أظهرت نتائج الدراسة تحسناً في مهارات التفكير الدنيا مع مرور الوقت F(1, 113) = 4044.61, p < .001 ، وأظهرت كذلك تحسناً في نتائج مهارات التفكير العليا مع مرور الوقت F(1, 113) = 2831.83, p < .001.
الكلمات المفتاحية: برنامج الكسور v2.0 ، فهم الكسور ، مهارات التفكير الدنيا ، مهارات التفكير العليا.
Author /
Sami Alshehri
Faculty of Education || King Khalid University || KSA