
ذات صلة


تعريف القراءة الحرفية: طريقتها والغرض منها

القراءة الحرفية: ما هي طريقتها وما الغرض منها؟ تعرف عليها في هذا المقال. خدمة مديري – البوابة الإلكترونية

اكتشف خدمة مديري عبر خدمة مديري لإدارة الموارد البشرية في وزارة الصحة السعودية. سجل دخولك الآن وتابع طلباتك ومعاملاتك بكل سهولة

طريقة سجود الشكر

تعرف على طريقة سجود الشكر والأدعية المأثورة فيه وأحكامه الشرعية وفضله العظيم ومتى يشرع للمسلم أداؤه والأسباب التي تستدعي سجود الشكر لله تعالى

كيف نعالج مشكلة السرقة عند الاطفال

تعرف على أفضل الطرق لعلاج مشكلة السرقة عند الأطفال وكيفية التعامل معها بحكمة. نقدم لك نصائح تربوية فعالة لمساعدة طفلك على تخطي هذا السلوك السلبي

تفسير حلم معاشرة الزوج لزوجته أمام الناس: رؤية ابن سيرين.

اكتشف دلالات تفسير حلم معاشرة الزوج أمام الناس في المنام وتأويلاته المختلفة عند ابن سيرين، وما يشير إليه من معانٍ ورموز في عالم الأحلام

Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase


Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase


Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase
Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase


تأليف: omar fawzi al-tabbaa(اعداد):: rifat rustom(مشرف)
اللغة: إنجليزي
النشر: gaza strip:author 2005
النوع: رسائل جامعية
عدد الصفحات: 122
المواضيع: estmation of labor, time and materials – building construction:: quantity surveying:: حساب الكميات ( هندسة مدنية )
رقم التصنيف: 692.5
الرقم العام:

العنوان : Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase




For any construction project, life cycle is divided into five main phases. Planning and designed is one of the most important phases, because project features are assigned at this phase. One of these features is the duration required to execute the project.

In Gaza, most construction projects were accomplished with durations exceeding the planned durations assigned by the owners.

The recurring of the problem ensures that this aspect does not occur accidentally. One of reasons for this problem is the way used to estimate the durations for the projects, where deterministic approach is used.
The decision makers depend on their experiences to estimate project durations or by making comparisons between similar projects.

This thesis represents how simulation technique can be used in estimating project durations. An approach was developed depending on probabilistic concept to built simulation modules to be used in assigning projects durations. Simulation technique was used to design general simulation model that can be used for different infrastructure projects.

This simulation model was designed to simulate construction activities required for sewer and pavement construction projects. The model involves construction processes with their probabilistic distribution functions. It also contains logical relationships that represent the actual behavior of the project. The model was designed to support the user with a number of alternatives that cover the actual site conditions.

Verification and validation processes were applied to the model at different levels.

Each template or module was separately verified then validated integrally within the model. Parts of the model were applied to previously executed projects and outputs results were compared with actual durations and the results were found good.

For more facilitation, Visual Basic interfaces were developed to facilitate data entry for the model. These interfaces provide the user with many alternatives options according to site conditions and type of work.

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Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase
Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase
Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase
Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase
Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase
Simulation modules development to estimate activities duration of infrastructure projects during planning phase



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