
ذات صلة


دورة أساسيات الإسعافات الأولية

تعلم أساسيات الإسعافات الأولية في دورة شاملة تؤهلك للتعامل مع الحالات الطارئة بكفاءة. اكتسب المهارات الضرورية لإنقاذ الأرواح وتقديم المساعدة الفورية

الإحصاء الاستدلالي في البحث العلمي: مفهومه وتطبيقاته

تعرف على مفهوم الإحصاء الاستدلالي وتطبيقاته في البحث العلمي. اكتشف أهميته في تحليل البيانات واستخلاص النتائج للوصول إلى استنتاجات دقيقة.

كيف يمكنني ربط الإطار النظري بمنهجية البحث الخاصة بي؟

اكتشف كيفية ربط الإطار النظري بالمنهجية في بحثك العلمي. تعرف على الخطوات الأساسية لتحقيق التكامل بين النظرية والتطبيق وتعزيز جودة دراستك.

كم من الوزن ستفقد عند استعمال أوزمبك؟ وهل يُنصح به؟

اكتشف فعالية أوزمبك لإنقاص الوزن وكمية الوزن التي يمكنك خسارتها. تعرف على آلية عمله وآراء الخبراء حول استخدامه لتحقيق أهدافك في خسارة الوزن.

كيف أكتب الإطار النظري أو أجمعه؟

تعرف على كيفية كتابة الإطار النظري بخطوات منهجية. دليلك الشامل لجمع وتنظيم الأدبيات والنظريات المرتبطة بموضوع بحثك بطريقة علمية وفعالة

simulation modeling of change orders and their impact on building projects performance in gaza strip


simulation modeling of change orders and their impact on building projects performance in gaza strip




simulation modeling of change orders and their impact on building projects performance in gaza strip
simulation modeling of change orders and their impact on building projects performance in gaza strip


تأليف: mohammed f. al- hams(اعداد):: rifat rustom(مشرف)
اللغة: إنجليزي
النشر: gaza strip:author 2010
المكان: غزة-المكتبة المركزية-مكتبة الكترونية
النوع: رسائل جامعية
عدد الصفحات:
المواضيع: project managment – executive management:: ادارة المشروعات:: المشاريع – ادارة و تنظيم
رقم التصنيف: 658.404
الرقم العام: 3101399

العنوان : simulation modeling of change orders and their impact on building projects performance in gaza strip


The main character of the construction projects is complexity where many human and non-human factors and variables play essential roles. So, when change orders occur all projects performance strongly affected. A recent survey of professional engineers identified changes as the major cause of project failure and Gaza Strip is not exception where the main cause of delay, over budgeting, and productivity losing in Gaza Strip are due to change orders.

This research discusses the change orders and their impact on projects performance in the Gaza Strip using a combination of interviews and 15 case studies.
These studies encompassed 6 educational building projects, one of which was rehabilitation, 4 health building projects, two of which were rehabilitation, and, 5 residential building projects carried out in the Gaza Strip. These projects were investigated to collect the data required for in-depth study and analysis. The projects documented and analyzed were between 1996 and 2005.

From the case studies and interviews, factors influencing the number of change orders in the Gaza strip were determined and then the impact of change orders on cost, time, and productivity for each factor was also determined for the 15 case studies. The factors were ranked according to their occurrences and impact on projects performance to find the most important factors.

A simulation model was built to model change orders occurrences and their impact on cost, time, and productivity for building projects in the Gaza Strip.

Verification of the model was checked and was given 97% accuracy in forecasting increase in cost, 99% accuracy in forecasting decrease in cost, and 96% accuracy in forecasting time extension. The validity of the model was also checked firstly by interviews and then by examining a random case, where it gave 97% accuracy in forecasting increase in cost, and 98% in forecasting extension on time, which means that the simulation model can forecast the impact of change orders on project performance in the Gaza strip.


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simulation modeling of change orders and their impact on building projects performance in gaza strip
simulation modeling of change orders and their impact on building projects performance in gaza strip
simulation modeling of change orders and their impact on building projects performance in gaza strip
simulation modeling of change orders and their impact on building projects performance in gaza strip


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