الخميس, مايو 2, 2024
Homeالرسائل العلميةsecure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains

secure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains

secure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains


secure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains
secure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains



تأليف: hatem hammad(مشرف):: osama n. qunoo(اعداد)
اللغة: إنجليزي
النشر: غزة ( فلسطين ):author 2011
النوع: رسائل جامعية
عدد الصفحات: 61
المواضيع: computer engineering:: electronic digital computers – computer engeneering:: الحاسبات الالكترونية – صيانة:: هندسة الحاسبات الالكترونية
رقم التصنيف: 621.39
الرقم العام:

العنوان : secure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains




Identity federation is a technology which enables the identity information to be trustily transferred across autonomous security domains. Shibboleth Federation is considered to trust logging process between different web educational resources, Fully Global log-out is not addressed by Shibboleth.
In this thesis, we address Fully Global Logout with a cached version of content as an off-line content, and enforce user to re-login for the new request after global logout.
The thesis modifies and utilizes the Shibboleth IdP source code to achieve securing model for web educational resources.

secure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains
secure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains


[embeddoc url=”https://ajsrp.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/secure-access-for-web-educational-recourses-across-multiple-domains_compressed.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]


secure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains
secure access for web educational recourses across multiple domains



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