Some rights of child in Islam
This study aimed to recognize the rights of the child in Islam, and a statement that the performance of these rights is at the core adhere to the guidance of the Islamic religion with confirmation of the leadership of Islam in the field of childhood and clear the rights of the child mode, this study came up with several results, including: that children have a prominent place in Islam, and that his rights before and after his birthday, beginning with the selection of the pair on the basis of religion and find out the origin of the pair ratios and safety of the couple from the disease, with a preference for virgin women in marriage, And also there is a common rights of the child before and after birth, is the establishment of software and establish prayer in the ears
Keys words: rights immediately after birth, and the right breast and choosing a good name for him, and his education, equality and justice in the treatment of children in the same family, as well as the right to play, recreation, and the right to inheritance, the right to care for the child an orphan, the study recommends further research and studies in the field of childhood Islam and Islamic education
Keywords:rights. child. childhood stage. Islam. Family
الكلمات المفتاحية: حقوق، الطفل، مرحلة الطفولة، الإسلام، الأسرة.
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