
ذات صلة


تفسير رؤية جريمة في المنام

تعرف على تفسير رؤية جريمة في المنام وما هي دلالاتها المختلفة في الأحلام حسب رأي المفسرين. اكتشف معنى مشاهدة الجريمة أو ارتكابها في الحلم

تفسير حلم الحيوانات المفترسة في المنام لابن سيرين

تعرف على تفسير رؤية الحيوانات المفترسة في المنام وما تعنيه في حياتك وفقا لتفسير ابن سيرين، ودلالات ظهورها في الأحلام بشكل مفصل وشامل

خواطر لعيد الميلاد

اكتشف أجمل خواطر لعيد الميلاد تعبر عن مشاعر الفرح والبهجة في هذه المناسبة السعيدة. كلمات رقيقة تنبض بالحب والأمل لتهنئة الأحباب والأصدقاء

كيف أحافظ على الرضاعة الطبيعية

تعرفي على أفضل النصائح والإرشادات حول كيف أحافظ على الرضاعة الطبيعية، واكتشفي الطرق المثالية لزيادة إدرار الحليب والحفاظ على صحتك وصحة طفلك

زيارة الحرم في المنام: ما هي الدلالات الروحية؟

تعرف على تفسير زيارة الحرم في المنام وأهم دلالاتها الروحية والمعنوية. اكتشف ما يرمز إليه هذا الحلم وعلاقته بحياتك الواقعية والإيمانية

Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol


Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol


Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol
Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol



تأليف: aiman abu samra(مشرف):: wisam tawfig elmasry(اعداد)
اللغة: إنجليزي
النشر: gaza strip:author 2010
النوع: رسائل جامعية
عدد الصفحات: 91
المواضيع: computer communication protocols (standards):: tcp/ip (computer network protocol)
رقم التصنيف: 004.62
الرقم العام:

العنوان : Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol


Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol
Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol





An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. There are number of routing protocols developed by researchers.
Due to the nature of ad hoc networks, secure routing is an important area of research in developing secured routing protocols.
Although researchers have proposed several secure routing protocols, their resistance towards various types of security attacks and efficiency are primary points of concern in implementing these protocols.


After the evaluation of these protocols the results refer that they do not give complete protection against possible attacks and have some disadvantages on their performance.

In this research, we examined a new routing protocol called Weight Based Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (WBAODV) routing protocol which is efficient and superior of the standard Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol in performance, but is not secure.

So we proposed a new secure routing protocol based on WBAODV which will be efficient and also immune against the most commonly possible routing attacks.
Finally we analyzed the proposed protocol against many attacks to ensure its security and also subject it to extensive simulation tests using JiST/SWAN simulation tool with the most commonly well-known ad hoc performance metrics to ensure its efficiency.

Keywords: Weight-based routing strategy, Routing attacks, Secure routing protocol, Mobile Ad hoc Networks.


Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol
Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol



[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol
Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol


طالع أيضا 





Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol
Securing weight-based aodv ( wbaodv ( routing protocoi in manets : towards effcient and secure routing protocol

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