A Metacognitive-Based Proposed Strategy for Developing Reading Comprehension Skills among Sixth-Grade Primary School Female Students
This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a metacognitive-based proposed strategy in developing reading comprehension skills among sixth-grade primary school female students.
In order to accomplish such desired goal, the researcher prepared a reading comprehension skills list and test as well as teacher and student manuals providing guidelines for tackling selected reading topics in light of the proposed strategy.
Overall, the research sample comprised 29 sixth-grade primary school female students randomly divided into two groups: an experimental (16 students) and a control (13 students).
Following the study tools pre- and post-test application, results concluded the effectiveness of the proposed strategy in developing reading comprehension skills at multiple levels (i.e. literal, inferential, critical, appreciative and creative comprehension levels) among participant experimental group sixth-grade primary school female students.
It’s against such backdrop that the researcher eventually provided a number of proposed suggestions and recommendations for practice as well as further research in the foreseeable future.
Keywords:Proposed Strategy – Metacognitive – Reading Comprehension – Sixth-Grade Primary School Female Students.
الكلمات المفتاحية: استراتيجية مقترحة – ما وراء المعرفة- الفهم القرائي- تلميذات الصف السادس الابتدائي.
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